
Join My Park Lane Team!

How would you describe your 'dream job'? More time with your family? A fabulous income? More control of your life? Free jewelry, recognition, awards and extraordinary trip destinations? Loving what you do and having fun at the same time? All these and more are yours as a Park Lane Director.

Your starter kit, valued at over $1,000 is loaded with sample jewelry so you can start hosting parties right away! Starting your dream has never been easier! A mere $39.00 registration fee will get you on your way to owning a business of your own, built on flexibility; your own hours, be your own boss, unlimited income, and job security.

Receive your $1,000 in jewelry samples, with no out of pocket cost, when you qualify! No experience is necessary; we'll also include world-class training material to ensure you are on your way to financial independence.

Park Lane is easy! Park Lane is fun! Park Lane is for you!

Sign Up with me TODAY!
(Type Valerie Weaver under the "Who is your Park Lane Rep?" box.)
If you have any questions at all, contact me at ValerieWeaver@roadrunner.com.